Turin 16-17 July 2020 – University of Turin
We are happy to announce that the 4th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference – XPRAG.it 2020 – will be held at the University of Turin, Italy, July 16-17, 2020.
The XPRAG.it 2020 Conference is organized under the auspices of XPRAG.it, a research network founded in 2017, with the aim of providing an Italian venue for discussing – at the international level – empirical research on pragmatic processing.
The conference program will include keynote lectures by:
- Bruno G. Bara– Emeritus Professor Department of Psychology, University of Turin (Turin, Italy)
- Maud Champagne-Lavau – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix Marseille Universitè (Aix-En-Provence, France)
- Judith Holler – Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Alan M. Leslie – Director of the Cognitive Development Laboratory, Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences (New Brunswick, United States)
The conference will feature a full set of scientific events, such as symposia, brief talks, and poster sessions, as well as social events. Moreover, three pre-conference workshops on tools and methodologies have been scheduled, open also to people not attending the conference.
The XPRAG.it Young Researcher Award will be granted to the best presentation from young researcher (no more than 2 years from Ph.D.).
The scientific program will comprise contributions in any area of experimental pragmatics, including neuropragmatics, developmental pragmatics, and clinical pragmatics as well as pragmatics in multimodal communication. Three types of submission will be accepted:
- oral presentation
- poster presentation
- pre-registration poster
Call for abstract open: February 1st
Deadline for abstract submission: February 29th
Notification of acceptance and registration opening: Mid April
XPrag.it scientific committee:
- Francesca Bosco (University of Turin, Italy)
- Ilaria Gabbatore (University of Turin, Italy)
- Valentina Bambini (IUSS, Pavia, Italy)
- Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa, Italy)
Local organizing committee:
- Associazione InTo Brain
- Dize Hilviu (University of Turin, Italy)
- Alberto Parola (University of Turin, Italy)
For any information regarding XPRAG.it 2020 and the pre-conference workshops: info@intobrain.it

Group on Inferential Processes in Social Interaction (GIPSI)
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Abstract submission – Conference registration and fees – Scientific program – Scientific committee – Organizing committee – Venue – Pre-conference Workshops