MeeTo 2018: from moving bodies to interactive minds
Join us in Turin, May 25 – 27, 2018!
Under the patronage of the University of Turin, InTo Brain is glad to announce MeeTo 2018, to be held in Turin, Italy, from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th May 2018. The topic of the conference, in its first edition, is “From moving bodies to interactive minds”.
Recent progress in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience has considerably modified the traditional view of the role of the motor system. Motor circuits are now hypothesized to have a role not only in controlling the physical components of movement, but also in understanding human behavior and shaping the individuals’ ability to act together. The main goal of the conference is thus to provide an arena for human-centered, multidisciplinary discussions of the state of the art in the field of motor and social cognition. To cover the various aspects of this topic, the conference program will include keynote lectures by:
- Cristina Becchio – University of Turin and Italian Institute of Technology (Genova, Italy)
- Luciano Fadiga – University of Ferrara and Italian Institute of Technology (Genova, Italy)
- Leonhard Schilbach – Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (Munich, Germany)
- Natalie Sebanz – Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
The conference will also feature a full set of scientific events, such as symposia with renown international speakers, brief talks, and poster sessions, as well as social events.
This conference is supported by funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement n° [312919]- I.MOVE.U
Download here the conference book of the MeeTo 2018 conference
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-Abstract submission –Conference registration –Scientific program –Scientific committee –Location –Organizing committee -Workshop: PredPsych