The XPRAG.it 2020(21) YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM – XPRAG.it 2020(21) YITP is funded by the Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio Italiane Spa (ACRI), to support the mobility of young researchers (Ph.D. students, Post-Doc, etc.), engaged in extra-Italian Research Institutions, to attend the 4th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference – XPRAG.it 2020(21), which has been rescheduled to July 8-9, 2021 and will be held online.
The program committee is happy to announce the winners
of the XPRAG.it 2020(21) – YITP:
Nadine BALBACH – SFB 833, Collaborative research Center, University of Tubingen, Germany. (Italian hosting institution: Dipartimento di antichità, filosofia, storia – Università degli Studi di Genova. Laboratory of Language and Cognition. Prof. Filippo Domaneschi)
David NAVARRO CIURANA – Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences. University of Valencia, Spain. (Italian hosting institution: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino. Gruppo di Ricerca GIPSI – Research Group on Inferential Processes in Social Interaction. Prof. Francesca M. Bosco)
Nicolas PETIT – Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (CNRL), France (Italian hosting institution: Classe di Scienze Umane e della Vita – Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia. Prof. Valentina Bambini)
Ximena RESTREPO LORA – Department of Psychology, University of Antioquia, Colombia. (Italian hosting institution: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino. Gruppo di Ricerca GIPSI – Research Group on Inferential Processes in Social Interaction. Prof. Francesca M. Bosco)
Camilo RODRìGUEZ RONDEROS – Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. (Italian hosting institution: Dipartimento di antichità, filosofia, storia – Università degli Studi di Genova. Laboratory of Language and Cognition. Prof. Filippo Domaneschi)
Maria Grazia ROSSI – Nova Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Nova University of Lisbon, Portogallo. (Italian hosting institution: Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia – Università di Cagliari. Gruppo di ricerca LinguisticaMente in filosofia del linguaggio e della mente. Prof. Francesca Ervas).
Moreover, the following candidates have brilliant profiles and were positively evaluated by the XPRAG.it 2020(21) – YITP scientific committee. Nevertheless, due to the limited fundings available, these candidates could not be awarded the mobility grant:
Katja Dindar – Research Unit of Logopedics, University of Oulu (Finland); Diana Mazzarella – Cognitive Science Centre, University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland); Laura Merino Hernández – Indiana University, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana (USA); Simone Morehed – Département de Plurilinguisme et Didactique des Langues Etrangeres, University of Friburg (Switzerland); Rogerio Salvini – Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal University of Goiás (Brazil); Claudia Sarmiento – Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota (Colombia).
The XPRAG.it 2020 – YITP will support the young researchers with mobility awards specifically addressed to:
- Participate in the 4th Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference – XPRAG.it 2020(21).
- Participate in two of the XPRAG.it 2020(21) pre-conference workshops on tools and methodologies applicable to the study of language and communication, i.e., ‘Mixed Effect Models using R’, ‘The Event-Related Potentials (ERP) technique applied to the study of language’, ‘Eye-movements in the visual context’.
- Spend one month, as a visiting researcher, at the chosen Italian host institution, that is member of the XPRAG.it network.
This funding is meant to cover the costs for a one-month visiting period in Italy, that will be arrangedbefore or after the XPRAG.it 2020(21) conference days and agreed with the hosting institution, the registration to the XPRAG.it 2020(1) conference and to two pre-conference workshops.
Click here for:
XPRAG.it 2020(21) – Abstract submission – Conference registration and fees – Scientific program – Scientific committee – Organizing committee – Pre-conference Workshops